Outdoor Skills for Webelos Leaders

WHAT?  Designed for Webelos Patrol Leaders and their assistants, the Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders course teaches outdoor-related skills through demonstration and hands-on practice. Webelos leaders should attend this training before conducting Webelos overnight camping with the boys and parents of the patrol. In addition to covering basic camping skills, this training features planning campouts and finding resources. This will be Webelos, Webelos, and more. The course feature sessions on activity badges, projects, Webelos badge, camping, camp fires, Arrow of Light, and Webelos to Boy Scout Transition!

WHEN?  April 7-8, 2018 or November 3-4,2018 (There is also an optional additional Webelos Leader Training Friday Night, starting at 7:00pm to 11:00pm. You can camp on Friday night also.)

WHERE?  Joseph A Citta Scout Reservation Barnegat.

TIME?   Registration starts 7:30 AM Saturday. Class begins at 8:00 and goes until 3:00 PM Sunday (You may arrive as early as 5:00 PM Friday to begin setting up your tent and come to classes on Friday and camp overnight)

NOTES:  See packing list on reverse side to see what to bring.

COST? Spring- $10 before March 29, 2018 (refunded at course as a part of council program fee), $25 after March 29, 2018 (non-refundable)

Fall- $10 before October 26, 2018 (refunded at course as a part of council program fee), $25 after October 26, 2018 (non-refundable)

Questions?  Contact Gretchen Tunison at 609-709-1420 or tunetoo@aol.com, or Jim McGuire at fox2124@gmail.com or 908-783-7193