Northern Lights Webelos Woods


Webelos Woods is designed to give first and second year Webelos and their parents a preview of the ScoutsBSA experience.  The program reinforces ScoutsBSA values, procedures, methods and skills. It is an introduction to the ScoutsBSA being a "youth led" program versus the "adult led" program used in the Cub Scouts.  Also, there is a thrill of camping in the outdoors at a ScoutsBSA style camp, which will foster a desire to continue their Scouting Adventure. The event is filled with fun activities, intriguing demonstrations, and plenty of outdoor excitement. All demonstrations and activities will be conducted by the ScoutsBSA from our District Troops.

This year’s theme is Homerun to Scouts BSA! Now is your time to see what you will be learning and having fun doing when you cross over to Scouts BSA. 

Scouts will learn a skill at each station by completing specific tasks.  Also, there is a pack and troop golden skillet dessert contest.  All activities are to be completed with scout spirit.  Remember to be Scout-like and practice leave no trace while at Citta Scout Reservation. 

There will be a camping option for Friday and Saturday night so that the Webelos can experience camping in the outdoors at a ScoutsBSA camp, which will help foster a desire to continue in Scouting. Camping with a Troop will allow the Webelos and their parents to see how the Troops operate up close. 


Purpose: Webelos Scouting and the activities of the Webelos Patrol should form a natural stepping stone for the Webelos Scout and his parents to move into ScoutsBSA. The purpose of this event is to create in all Webelos Scouts a genuine desire to know more about ScoutsBSA, and through a fun-filled series of activities give them a preview of some of the activities, thrills and adventure that await them in ScoutsBSA.

The program capitalizes on the youth’s interest in adventure in the great outdoors as it exposes them to the fun and skills of ScoutsBSA. It also offers an opportunity for parents to gain a perspective on Troop programming, how the different Troops run their programs, the differences between the Cub Scout and ScoutsBSA programs and the opportunities for adult leadership.


September 27, 2024- September 29, 2024


Unit Fee- $20 per unit before September 14th  $50 after

Webelos Scouts- $18 per Scout before September 14th  $23 after

Boy Scouts - $10 per Scout before September 14th  $15 after

Adults/ Leaders- $10 per Adult before September 14th  $15 after

Extra Patches- $4 per patch


As a result of this program, participants should come away with:

  • An understanding of the ScoutsBSA program, the skills required, and the fun that is possible.
  • An appreciation of a ScoutsBSA Troop, how it is run, & how it differs from a Cub Scout Pack.
  • An increased desire to continue Scouting as a ScoutsBSA in a Troop.
  • A "feel" for the various Troops in our District, and an idea of which one they may want to join.
  • A closer relationship between parent and child after a day spent outdoors.


Make sure to register today to reserve your spot.  Troops will be able to pick their spot in the order they sign up.  Please contact Jim McGuire, to pick your site!



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Unit Check In Roster Download