Civil War Camporee


A Civil War-themed Camporee is coming to Citta Scout Reservation!

What is a Civil War themed Camporee? It consists of twelve fun stations of learning and activities that will teach Scouts and leaders about the American Civil War that was fought between 1861 and 1865.

What should I expect?:  Lots of fun!  The Camporee will include hands-on activities, inter-unit competition, and stations of learning that will be hosted by Civil War reenactors from New jersey.

Who?: Scouts BSA, Venturers, Sea Scouts, and leaders.  Each Scouting unit will function as a Civil War army Company.

Where?: Citta Scout Reservation, 229 Brookville Road, Barnegat, NJ

When: Over the weekend of May 3-5, 2024

Registration: Registration is now open through April 19th, 2024, on the Jersey Shore Council website, 

Cost: $25 per unit. $15 per scout. $10 per adult. 

Cost for each registered participant includes camping facilities, a Civil War kepi (hat) for all registered youth, and commemorative event patch.


Friday, May 3rd

The event begins with check-in registration any time after 4:00pm on Friday night, May 3. Troops/Venturers/Sea Scouts will check-in upon arrival and will set up their camps.

Saturday May 4th

8:30 AM – Participants muster on the parade field for the raising of a 35-star flag ceremony that will be followed by a Civil War medical “exam” (not a real exam, but something that will be fun) and delivery of enlistment papers to the Company commanders for each member of the Company.

9:00 AM – Scouts begin their treks to the various stations.  The station themes are listed below.

  • A Civil War “load in nine times” firing demonstration will be demonstrated by Civil War reenactors at the rifle range
  • A hands-on Civil War “School of the Soldier” drilling activity on the parade ground.  Scouts will be taught how to be soldiers.
  • A hands-on Civil War era games on the parade ground where participants are taught nineteenth century games and compete with other Scouting units for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons.
  • Cooking station will demonstrate how food was prepared and cooked during the war
  • An overview of how women helped the war effort as camp followers and spies.
  • A hands-on 1860’s lifestyle station where Scouts can make lanterns, milk a cow, and make candles
  • A demonstration of various tent styles used during the war with hands-on activities to correctly and safely erect a tent. Companies will compete for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place unit ribbons for the best times.
  • An exhibit and demonstration of Civil War era medical equipment and procedures.
  • An overview of Federal and Confederate uniforms and equipment where Scouts will have the opportunity to try on a uniform.
  • An exhibit of Civil War artillery.  Firing demonstrations will be done at various times during the day.
  • A discussion on how the Civil War impacted the state of NJ.
  • A hands-on station that covers schooling during the CW.  Examples of lessons will be shared and Scouts will learn and sing CW songs in preparation for Saturday night’s campfire.

4:30 PM – Companies return to the parade field

  • Retirement of the colors ceremony
  • Each Company will muster for unit photographs that will be followed by a reenactor skirmish

5:30 PM – Companies break for dinner and their in-camp activities

7:45 PM – Companies muster outside of the entrance to the Council Ring

8:00 PM – campfire at the Council Ring

  • Companies will perform skits and sing CW songs
  • Civil War reenactors will put a soldier accused of desertion on trial. YOU will be the judge if the soldier is guilty or not.
  • Ribbons for inter-Company competition will be issued.
  • Company commanders will be issued service discharge papers for the members of their units.

Sunday, May 5th

  • AM - Units strike camp and head home.

What!  There’s more!

Scouting units that design and make their own “Company” guidons, a small flag that represents your unit, will be entered into a contest for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons.  Some examples of real Civil War guidons are shown above.  Use your imagination and include something about your unit on the flag.

Units will compete for the best in Camporee drilling competition.

“Soldiers” can design and decorate their own wooden Civil War muskets using the Springfield rifled musket layout design guide embedded below and carry them over the weekend.  1st, 2nd, 3rd place ribbons will be awarded for the best designs and decorated muskets. 

Need more information?  Contact Jim McGuire by email:

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