2025 Hook, Arrow, and Shell

Hook, Arrow and Shell Cub Camporee registration closes May 10th!
May 16-18, 2025
Citta Scout Reservation
229 Brookville Rd., Barnegat Township, NJ 08005
Arghhhhh, me harties, get ready for Hook, Arrow, Shell 2025! With a Pirate theme your Cubs are sure to love, HAS focuses on fishing, BBs, archery and Gaga, craft projects, games and a campfire program on Saturday night!
This event is being offered as a weekend family camping opportunity for your pack. You are welcome to have some participants come in for just the day on Saturday, when the program activities will be held, but all pricing is the same. The event is planned as a slower paced camping weekend, with free time in the schedule to enjoy the outdoors, play, practice a campfire skit or do other activities within your den or pack. Do not expect a jammed schedule—you will have free time. The event is held rain or shine, so come prepared for whatever Spring-time has to offer! HAS is a nice trip for newer pack parents as most of the sites are easily accessible, and there are flushable toilets available. Scout siblings are welcome (2 and under free).
A change for this year will be that fishing will be offered throughout the day on a space-available basis, not only in a scheduled time slot. Packs/families are responsible for supplying and maintaining their own gear, although we will have some bait available, and helping hands. As always, units are responsible for their own food/cooking.
Cowboy Action shooting sports will be available to those 14 years and older for $5, payable that weekend.
Lions (and young siblings) and Tigers who have just ranked up (are still in their Lion year) are not permitted to engage in shooting sports in Jersey Shore Council, but they will have alternate activities available (please indicate number of Lions when registering).
We encourage early registration to secure spots in shooting sports—we will accommodate shooting sports on a first registered, first reserved basis.
If you are interested in attending with your Pack, please contact them to register for the event. Do not register as a solo Scout/family. A Pack leader should register and pay for all participants.
Approximate Schedule (subject to change):
Fri., May 16
5-8pm – Check-Ins (Parking Lot Pavillion) and set up
8:30-9:30pm – Leaders Meeting
Sat., May 17
8:30am – Opening Flag Ceremony (Parade Field)
9-12:20pm – Morning Activities (see individual schedules)
12:30-1:30pm – Lunch Break/Unit Time (Unit campsites)
1:40-5:30pm – Afternoon Activities (see individual schedules)
5:30-7:30pm – Dinner Break/Unit Time (Unit campsites)
7:35pm – Evening Colors* (Parade Field)
7:50pm – Closing Campfire* (proceeding together from Parade Field
to Council Ring)
*Class A Uniforms optional
Sun., May 18
Breakfast/Scout’s Own Service in sites, pack up and head home
11:00am – Camp cleared
$18 for youth; $7 adults. $40 site fee( half refunded that weekend if sharing a site).
All units must have a BALOO- Trained leader on site in order to camp. See link below
Spring Outdoor Adult Training - BALOO and IOLS | Jersey Shore Council
Registration DEADLINE is May 10th. We will not accept late registration
Please indicate number of LIONS and/or younger siblings registered, so we have accurate numbers for planning shooting sports.
Event Chairperson: Stacey Reap
2025 Hook Arrow and Shell Camporee May 16, 2025 to May 18
Register Today