Atlantic County Distinguished Citizen Reception

                                         Register Here! 

The Distinguished Citizen Award is presented annually to individuals who share Scouting’s belief in leadership, determination, and values, and have contributed significantly to the growth and vitality of their local communities. Funds raised by the event support delivering youth leadership training and character development programs to more than 3,000 youth across Ocean and Atlantic Counties.

Scouters and volunteers are making incredible contributions to their communities on a daily basis. With such remarkable individuals in our midst, the BSA recognizes their efforts while also saying ‘thank you’ for their service to the movement.

We are thrilled to announce that Vince Polistina, NJ State Senator, has been selected to receive this year’s Distinguished Citizen Award by the Boy Scouts of America, Jersey Shore Council.  The Distinguished Citizen Award is presented to individuals who exemplify the values which are the cornerstone of the Scouting movement.  Recipients are leaders who have made significant contributions to life in Ocean County through unselfish leadership in business, education, government, industry, social work, and youth development.

I sincerely hope you’ll consider supporting this reception at Smithville Inn on March 28th and by doing so, your support of our local Scouting Programs. The evening begins with a reception at 6:00PM followed by a 7:00PM program.   With more than 100 people expected at the Distinguished Citizens Reception, this event provides a fantastic networking opportunity as well as an opportunity to invest in our community's most important resource…our local young people.



       Thank you to our Vice Chairman Event Sponsors!