About Us
Jersey Shore Council, Boy Scouts of America, headquartered in Toms River, serves more than 6,000 young people in four Jersey Shore counties:
Southeast Burlington
and Ocean City in Cape May County.
It is among the largest youth serving organizations in the state of New Jersey led by approximately 2,000 volunteers. More than 100 community organizations, representing educational, religious, non-profit, civic, and business organizations join in partnership with Jersey Shore Council by chartering 200 Scouting units (packs, troops, teams, crews, posts and groups).
If you are new to Scouting, let us introduce you and your children to a world where they will build lifetime friendships, while learning leadership skills, active citizenship, personal fitness, and practical knowledge through their participation in a diverse array of activities including camping excursions, summer programs for teens and much, much more.
From Cub Scouting, with thrilling outdoor programs such camping, and other outdoor adventures – on to Boy Scouts and Venturers, with camporees, summer camps, Scouting shows, and national jamborees – families can enjoy building a lifetime of experiences unmatched by other organizations. This experience can lead to The Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s national camping honor society to obtain the rank of Eagle Scout, extending their participation from teen years well on into adulthood.