Spring Red Cross Wilderness First Aid Training

Spring Red Cross- Wilderness First Aid

Red Cross – Wilderness First Aid – A requirement for all high-adventure trips, this advanced course covers 16 hours of classroom and hands-on training over the course of one weekend.


Spring Training : April 4-5

WHERE? Joseph A. Citta Scout Reservation Barnegat.

TIME?  7:00 PM Friday to Saturday night. You may arrive any time after 4:00pm to set up your tent.

Cost  In Council Fee -$150 (if signed up by March 28)

          $175 after March 28

     Out of Council Fee- $175 (if signed up by March 28). $200 after  March 22



Training includes the purchase of two books (Wilderness and Remote First Aid Emergency Reference Guide and Wilderness and Remote First Aid Pocket Guide), bandages and gloves, registration fee to the Red Cross, food and camping fees for the weekend. Required: 

Required:  Current adult CPR/AED certification. Participants must also be 14 years of age on or before the last scheduled session of the course. It is also recommended that leaders have: Youth Protection Training, Weather Hazard Training Safety Afloat Training and Safe Swim Defense.

Notes:  Bring your lunch for Saturday. Training Course is available to troops, venture crews, explorer posts and other small groups. Helpful on any trip where help could be delayed. 

Packing List

  • Class A and B uniforms,
  • Tent & ground cloth,
  • Lunch for Saturday,
  • Sleeping bag & pad,
  • Appropriate clothing for out-of-doors,
  • Flashlight
  • Toiletries
  • Mug
  • Pen and paper



  • 2025 Spring Red Cross Training
    April 04, 2025 to April 05