Spring Gold Training - Great Outdoor Leader Development
WHAT? Great Leader Outdoor Development (GOLD) is a two-day training event that introduces leaders to the skills needed to plan and conduct pack and troop outdoor activities. Participants who complete this training course will: understand the focus of the Cub and Boy Scout BSA outdoor program, gain the skills needed to plan and carry out a successful overnight activity, and learn more about the resources available from the BSA and others, for carrying out this activity. You will learn the proper methods of Pack and Troop organization and function.
Prior to This Training: You must complete the online Baloo Prerequisite and /or the Scoutmaster Specifics Training. The Baloo course takes about an hour and a half. The Scoutmaster course takes 4-5 hours. It does not need to be completed in one sitting. You can complete (online) as you have time. It will remember where you left off. Once you have completed both online courses and the GOLD course, you will be trained for Cub and Boy Scout Leader positions.
WHEN? April 5-6
$10 before March 22 (refunded at the course as a part of your council program fee)
$25 afterMarch 22 (non-refundable)
Out Of Council- $25 before March 22 (non- refundable), $40 after March 22 (non-refundable)
WHERE? Joseph A Citta Scout Reservation Barnegat.
TIME? Registration starts at 7:00 AM Saturday classes start at 7:30 am.in Mohawk. GOLD concludes at 3:00 PM Sunday (You may arrive as early as 4:00 PM Friday evening to begin setting up your tent and camp Friday also)
NOTES: Bring your lunch for Saturday
Packing List:
- Completed hard copy of BSA Medical Form Parts A and B
- https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/ahmr
- Class A and B Uniforms
- Tent & Ground Cloth
- Sleeping Bag / Pad / Pillow
- Lunch for Saturday
- Mug
- Rain Gear / Weather Appropriate Clothing
- Hiking Boots / Sneakers
- Flashlight
- Personal Items/Toiletries
- Note Pad & Pens
2025 Spring Gold April 05, 2025 to April 06